Frequently Asked Questions


 Q. What’s the Bonita Shores Club (“Club”) financial situation?

 A. The Club has total cash reserves checking & CD of $58,000. This figure is substantially less than the current maintenance backlog, which the Board estimates at between $60,000 and $90,000 over the next several years. The maintenance backlog includes the roof, parking lot, HVAC system, kitchen, bathrooms, and doors, all of which require extensive maintenance or replacement, in some cases immediately. Meanwhile, revenues are projected to be less than expenses. As the pandemic ends, the Board projects that revenues will rise to approximately $20,000 per year with ongoing expenses of approximately $25,000 per year. In summary, the immediate financial situation is not dire, but if current trends continue the Club would be forced to borrow money in the foreseeable future to continue current operations.

 Q. What can I do to ensure that the Club remains viable?

 A. First of all, if you haven’t already, join the Club! Second, volunteer your time. Organize an event, work on a cleanup crew, or assist others with such projects. A list of available opportunities is on the website,

 Q. I’ve heard the clubhouse might be sold and that condos might be developed there or that there could be some other type of replacement facility. Is that possible?

A. Sale or redevelopment of the property is NOT under active consideration by the Board at this time. It is important to note, however, that bills need to be paid. If the Club is forced to borrow funds to continue operations the ultimate use of the site could slip from our control.

Q. Who makes key decisions regarding the Club?

 A. As a not for profit corporation, decisions regarding the Club, its operations, and its assets, including the building, are entrusted to the Club Board of Directors. At the beginning of each year under Club bylaws current Board members elect a new Board.

Q. How do I make my opinion known regarding the issues facing the Club?

 A. Join the Club if you haven’t done so already. Contact a Board member, either in person or if you wish in writing, and express your opinion. You can also email or concern to (Please note that we are all volunteers and it may take a few days to respond to an email.)

Q. What is the best way to get information in the future?

 A. We have a new website Our Facebook page is updated with events and information. Go to Bonita Shores Club on Facebook and Like the page and info will pop up on your newsfeed. We are also posting information on Next-door Bonita Shores. If you are unable to use social media for information please let us know and we will find a way to either email the information to you or get you a traditional paper flyer. We try to keep the signs in front of the clubhouse up-to-date.

Q. I thought the Club was doing fine. What happened?

 A. The Board inherited a Club with inadequate financial reserves to maintain the current building and facility, especially given the rapid recent increase in such costs. In addition, Club membership had declined significantly. In recent years the Board has substantially increased revenue and programing and was slowly rebuilding the financial reserves. Unfortunately, Covid-19 caused a loss of most 2020 revenue and simultaneously our major commercial account, responsible for about 40% of Club revenues, is now renting at its own sites. These twin events accelerated the need to address the financial shortfalls.

Q. How is the turnaround effort going after these eleven weeks?

 A. The preliminary response has been very encouraging. There are currently over 100 full members, which is about doubled from the low point. Moreover, over $5000 has been collected from our neighbors in the form of donations. Meanwhile, the list of volunteers has increased significantly. It appears the neighborhood is highly motivated to maintain the Club as a viable resource.

 Q. Could the current situation be a good opportunity for the neighborhood?

A. Definitely. The Board acknowledges that some traditional aspects of Club operations may no longer make sense. Social media has definitely changed neighbor interactions. Covid-19 is likely to have lingering impacts on the type of events Club members may wish to join. Moreover, the profile of the typical Bonita Shores resident has changed significantly in recent years. All of these new developments suggest that the Club and its mission may need to change. The Board is excited to hear your views!

8 thoughts on “Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Vickie Reply

    HI. I have been in the Shores for 14 years and love every minute of it. I have a friend who is looking to buy here and hopefully you know someone who wants to sell and save realtor fees. If so, contact me. She’s looking for a 3/2 but could settle for a 2/2. She wants a pool and is a cash buyer.

    Hopefully there’s a win win in this.

  2. Hank Ingles Reply

    This page is most impressive — my thanks to those wo made it possible. But — that leads to my question/comment. Unless I am missing it, there appears
    to be no listing of the Officers of the Board. In truth — there is at least one phone number — but it is not clear to whom that phone is linked.

    It is strange that to make this comment, I must leave my name and e-mail, but those responsible for the Club, remain anonymous.

    Why is there not more transparency with regard to the leadership?

    Just wondering.

  3. Ann Carroll Reply

    Thanks Andrea we now have some info of club financials. Yes..the neighborhood has changed alot..with alot of rental properties but we still have alot of old timers who support the club financially and physically.
    I have lived here 25 years and have been very happy that I chose Bonita Shores.
    Let’s all work together for the common good….United we stand. Divided we fall!
    See you Wednesday….

  4. Brian Forbes Reply

    Looking forward to the meeting and hearing from the Board what our monthly exspences are, what the quotes are to the maintenance and repairs that must be done immediately and what their plan is to generate income. As well as what has been done to minimize exspences as we all deal with Covid 19.
    Interested to find out what the Marketing Plan is for the Shores Club.

  5. Mary Cseplo Reply

    Possibly I’ve missed, or overlooked it, but is the contact info for board members available? If so, where? Where can members obtain a full set of current and past financial statements and other pertinent financial records? Thanks very much. Mary Cseplo

  6. Miriam "Mimi" LeBeau Reply

    It’s my opinion that the community has outgrown the need for the Clubhouse facility. Not one person on my immediate area attend functions or meetings. As observed in the past, people who attend do not live in the community. It originated as meeting place when area was rural, not many restaurants or local city events took place. Today, families are bombarded with things to do, clubs to join and places to go.

    From the meeting last night, you are not considering the group of elderly residents who live alone and live on only Security Security checks. Those same people do not use Internet, home and remote. Also, it’s my impression that many people reject Facebook. All of which you regard as the major communicating platforms.

    Also, sounds like you are turning the facility into a “rental business.” That means we must spend an pile of money to make money. Are volunteers in this business? Many area country clubs do not have kitchens, they cater food for special events with a fee for the people who attend.
    I am proud of living here, would support Clubhouse for limited purpose, but not a business venture. Again, the “need” has diminished.

  7. Chris Philipose Reply

    It’s really a nice and useful piece of information. I am glad that you shared this useful information with us.
    Please stay us up to date like this. Thanks
    for sharing.

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